A Foot in the Future
At Breakpoint we understand that the difference between success and failure is people. So when the beginning of 2020 delivered a global pandemic, we put our heads together to come up with a solution to bridge the gap from strategy to results for organization leaders embracing the current acceleration of change. We called it the Bridges Project and since then we have been busy making your business better, for people.
Many organizations have experienced disruptive upheaval over the last year and have implemented accelerated changes to how people and the organization interact. We have all witnessed the shift to remote work, a reallocation of resources, and a new era of digitization. As we imagine a post pandemic era, management systems based on old rules – hierarchies, bureaucracy and control – are being replaced by more responsive, creative and inclusive organization models. Organizations are becoming more human.
For many organizations, especially small medium size businesses, there is a history of moments that mattered. Times when a significant change, a moment, occurred that was the end of a familiar way of working and the birth of something different. Successful organizations regardless of their size know from that experience that it is only possible because people worked together. That everyone must participate in this process of a critical restart. Those moment are created out of diversity of thought. It is a time when people are aware of the need to change and act to shape what is possible. In that moment in time they realize an unexpected truth. That to survive, to grow, to prosper we have to be open to change. When an organization seizes that moment they have a foot in the future. That is a moment for strong leadership.
Today, one of the biggest things we are dealing with as organization leaders is fear and anxiety. The fear of the unknown. The fear of loss of control. During this unprecedented period of upheaval what is in your control is how you lead others. Ultimately, that is defined by your choices, not the choices of others. You as an organization leader must determine the definition of prosperity. You set for the others watching where we are in the long view. One undeniable truth is that the pandemic has boldly reminded us that as people we are not above nature, we are a part of it.
Leaders who aspire to rebuild imagine a better future. They are reacting to the current events with the aim of minimizing downside impact. They are outflanking their competition by learning faster from the changing circumstances and shaping them to their advantage. Now is a time of reflection and reinvention. A brave first step to unlock the potential of the future is to give the people in your organization the opportunity to be their best at work and live their best lives. To step together into the future.