For the people.
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Insight & Action

Breakpoint was founded on the notion that we could help people and organizations succeed by bringing them expert, candid advice and an outside perspective on their business. So whether you’re a C-suite executive who needs to think differently or a potential client seeking a new business partner Breakpoint offers a fresh perspective that helps to navigate the curves ahead.


Out Where the Wild Things Are.

In 2015, the United Nations established seventeen goals aimed at addressing pressing global challenges by 2030. These goals are known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). One of these, Goal 8, is Decent Work and Economic Growth. Decent Work encompasses fair wages, job security,

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Moving to Action

At Breakpoint Human Capital Management we believe in the human connection. Our ability as humans to set and achieve goals sets us apart. It is our unique opportunity to give our lives meaning through 

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Michael De Bonis