Why not now
The most effective leaders actively seek out new ideas, challenge biases and assumptions, recognize the need to build new capabilities, and help create cultures that can change and adopt. Today the single most important factor to an organizations success is leadership. Who they are, how they interact, and the skills they bring to the table are critical to build long term value creation. High performing organization leaders are examining their cultures more closely and assessing its alignment with the needs of the people. The best high performing leaders recognize today's environment of rapid change and disruption and are engaging their people at all levels of the organization at the centre of strategy, innovation and change.
Despite the importance of strong leaders there is overwhelming research that reveals a wide capability gap in organizations. As leaders move higher in an organization roles become more complex and ambiguous. Knowledge and capabilities are not enough. The context changes. Leaders are expected to conceptualize a clear plan, inspire, engage, and motivate people to action. Not surprisingly the best leaders today model the values and behaviours they want their organizations to embrace. Organizations that are moving from linear growth to exponential growth are identifying, developing, and promoting future leaders that reflect the mindsets, behaviours and capabilities of values based, people driven, results-focused cultures.
William C. Rhoden, New York Times, talked about Muhammad Ali as one of the exceptional leaders of our times. Ali " introduced a lot of courage to honor, to valor. It's not just about running fast, jumping high. But what do you stand for, what are your morales, what are your principles. What stand will you take. What are you willing to risk?" I challenge all of us as organization leaders to answer these questions when we consider how we plan and engage people in our organizations. I believe the answers are the backbone of attracting and building high performing organizations that engage people and inspire action.