Winning big
Ask 100 people at 100 successful companies why their customers buy from them, and you're likely to hear answers like, "we deliver results", "we have built close relationships", or "we bring innovative solutions others can't". Sound familiar? To win you have to bring superior value.
Building an organization that can deliver superior value, that can win big, is dependant on having the capacity and capability to deliver value. Where do you get that - it is not easy but it is not complicated. People.
Let's start with what value is. Value is about the worth of something. How much your customer will pay for something. The three keys of value and a customer:
Customers have to want and need what you’re selling. You have to be relevant.
Customers have to see why you stand out. You have to be unique.
Customers have to believe that you can deliver on your promises. You have to be able to substantiate.
Getting the right People is about shared passion and purpose. Find people who have the skills, attitude, and aptitude to contribute to what matters to your customers. Organize those people around a vision for what could be, give people authority and responsibility, recognize people for what they contribute, listen to those people (really listen), show people how what they do matters to your customer, and hire passionate driven leaders that people can trust. Yes - trust. Why? when people trust you, you'll get the truth, and if you get the truth, you are quick and accurate to act, and then you get speed and agility. Speed and agility are the backbone of customer responsiveness. Now you have a chance to be relevant, unique, and substantiate.