Humans are made for problem solving and not monotony. So in an organization when stagnation of task happens your employee’s brains actually start shutting down and begin to favour the most used pathways. The result is that new ideas and direction are not explored, and you lose
Read MoreBreakpoint was founded on the notion that we could help people and organizations succeed by bringing them expert, candid advice and an outside perspective on their business. So whether you’re a C-suite executive who needs to think differently or a potential client seeking a new business partner Breakpoint offers a fresh perspective that helps to navigate the curves ahead.
The foundation of all sustainable organizations is competitive advantage. The loss of that competitive advantage is often the result of mental stagnation. By not being able to adapt quickly and effectively risks
Read MoreAt Breakpoint we believe in the power of the human connection and we're founded on the principle that we make businesses great, for people. Lately we have been talking to people who are thinking about their well-being as they navigate to survive. A lot of conversations have been about
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