For the people.
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Insight & Action

Breakpoint was founded on the notion that we could help people and organizations succeed by bringing them expert, candid advice and an outside perspective on their business. So whether you’re a C-suite executive who needs to think differently or a potential client seeking a new business partner Breakpoint offers a fresh perspective that helps to navigate the curves ahead.


Navigating Trust

At Breakpoint Human Capital Management we know from experience that when you want to impact revenue, drive deeper capacity to innovate, or build a high-performing organization than the single most important factor is leadership. Having a formal strategy and game plan for sustainable performance is not enough. The key to success is a strong leader who understands that their most important role is to engender trust. 

Leading business schools across North America working with the CEO's of Fortune 500 companies are realizing the powerful benefit of building trust to deliver high performance. This work is showing that as an organization leader there are two characteristics that you must demonstrate. The first is to have competence. Can you demonstrate that as a leader you know what you are doing. The second is to have character. You have do what you said you would do. When these two ingredients mix with a group of people that shares a passion and purpose working to a common end it creates the chemistry that is the foundation of a high performing organization. 

Often I am asked the question as an Executive Coach and Advisor to high impact leaders what makes a leader different. My experience from over thirty years in strategic roles is that leaders made a decision somewhere in their lives that they were going to make a difference. The best leaders know what their values are, what they stand for, what really matters to them and they live them. That equips them to lead from the front by demonstrating the behaviours they ask from their team. True leaders have a desire to understand each situation from all sides. They are curious and confident. They know what they know, are able to admit when they don't, and will seek out those individuals that have the experience that they are lacking. Strong leaders know that if you are going to influence people that you have to relate to them and the only way people will relate to you is if they can trust you. That requires genuine humility. As a leader no one is below you. Every person matters. You can not ask people to value the organization's agenda if the organization does not value the person's agenda.

It’s not just about making a great business with people. 

It’s about making a business great for people.