For the people.
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Insight & Action

Breakpoint was founded on the notion that we could help people and organizations succeed by bringing them expert, candid advice and an outside perspective on their business. So whether you’re a C-suite executive who needs to think differently or a potential client seeking a new business partner Breakpoint offers a fresh perspective that helps to navigate the curves ahead.


An opportunity for brilliance

I live in a neighbourhood of families and dogs. Lots of dogs! Over the weekend I met a friend in the neighbourhood and as our dogs excitedly played we talked. My neighbour is a skilled physician and someone who cares deeply about people.  When I asked as I often do "how are things going" he gave me a first hand description of how hard the struggle is in healthcare. It reminded me of my own experience working with great organizations in healthcare. Everyone who goes into healthcare really does care about people but healthcare was designed with disease not people at its core. But healthcare is not alone. Organizations today are designed for profit not people at their core. Both suffer from bad design but the opportunities for good design are more compelling than ever. People want, they yearn, to bring their whole self to their work. People have changed the priorities of work. We need new infrastructure. We need to create something new, now is the time, it's been time. The alternative is unacceptable. The building blocks are known - Policy, Education & Training, Systems, Bricks & Mortar.  We have to lift our sights, raise our sights, and make a new space. A space that recognizes that where we work, in organizations across industries, public or private, while it is easy to call out the dysfunctions there are a greater number of opportunities for brilliance. Many leaders have begun to move forward and are active knowing that the future is people. I am confident that the strength of our passion and courage to build new infrastructures that welcome a new space where people can bring all of them will create the change needed for those who have not yet stepped from the past.